Co-creational Artwork by Frantzsen&Mjanger
As part of the 2023 the Tema Exhibition "Time will tell, she already does" and 'Dear Neighbour', at Hordaland Art Centre, Frantzsen&Mjanger invite you to an engaging, performative practice that is a physical encounter with materials and people.
The project takes place at Hordaland Art Centre and in the local community of Nordnes.
Dates and Location:
Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th September, 1 PM - 4 PM: Outdoor glassblowing workshop outside Hordaland Art Centre.
Monday 18th September, 5 PM - 6 PM: Distribution of glass forms and photo portraits in the café at Hordaland Art Centre.
Wednesday 27th September, 5 PM - 8 PM: Meal and walk, in the café at Hordaland Art Centre and in the Nordnes neighborhood.
For registration, see below.
Everyone is breathing
We all share the air
around us
inside us
How can this invisible community become visible?
With Expression of Breath in our hands,
how do we experience ourselves, our surroundings, and each other?

An archive of breath is created over a two-to-three-week period, where a group of audience members, through three physical meetings and time for personal reflection, collaborates with artists Maria Almås Frantzsen and Ruth Hol Mjanger. The project unfolds in several parts, with the first part taking place in an outdoor mobile glass workshop set up outside HKS in Nordnes. On Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th September, registered participants, in collaboration with the artists, will blow their own glass form called "Expressions of Breath" These unique glass sculptures will become part of the archive.
On Monday 18th September, everyone returns to collect their glass forms, and a portrait is taken of the glass form held in the hands from which the breath originates. The co-creators take the glass forms home for exploration and text creation in the following week. On Wednesday 27th September, the group gathers for a collective silent "Walking with Breath" in Nordnes, where all the glass forms are put to use. The evening concludes with a shared meal and conversations around the table in the "Curated Kitchen" at HKS. The texts are finalized by each co-creator and the artists after the last gathering. The outcome will be displayed at HKS for the remaining duration of "Time will tell, she already does".

Since 2017, breath has been the focal point of Frantzsen&Mjanger's work, creating and interacting with glass objects they call "Expressions of Breath" These unique sculptures capture the dialogue between the human exhale into molten glass and the glass's response to that breath. The glass's rapid transition from liquid and hot to cold and solid preserves the moment. The duo's work is process-oriented and involves the audience as co-creators of the artworks.
In the project will the participants become co-creators to varying degrees. Documentation of the project will be as photo, video, text and materials. The project will be published through various channels and the participants become collaborators in this endeavor. By participating in the project you accept the use of documentation in public channels and by the artists for further use.
Binding registration should be sent to frantzsenmjanger@gmail.com by September 10th. Provide information about: Name, age, connection to Nordnes, motivation for participation, and your preference for blowing the glass form on either Saturday 16th or Sunday 17th September. If you choose to participate, you commit to attending all three physical meetings (September 16th/17th, 18th, and 27th), experimenting at home, and text creation.
Participation is free thanks to financial support from Hordaland Art Centre and a contribution from Frantzsen Mjanger DA.