Frozen glass in Stormyra
Let's go out NOW! Out in the dark. Leave out some glass shapes and see if the frost adheres to tomorrow morning!
We are so excited. Not stopped by the darkness or the snowflakes, we wander around here in Stormyra, Ruth's farm in Masfjorden. Not aware of the time, and surprised that it's past midnight before we're back in the heat. This is our first time working together - without sitting at a coffee table. The first time we have the glass forms with us out into the wild. We are happy for the night.
The temperature has fallen through the night and when daylight comes, we hang on. Nature's rapid shifts put us on the track of where to look, what to do. We play with shape and photo. Having such a partner is inspiring. Two days in January make us sure that we and the glass forms will go out into nature.